Friday, December 14, 2012

One Foot Outside the Box's Montreal Gift Guide

Thanks for the feature!  This is a FANTASTIC guide to local shopping options... which is great if you're like me and starting to panic about your Christmas list!

Everything shown in my section is available for purchase on my Etsy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Buy local this holiday season!

Victoire Boutique, where m3s has sold on and off over the years, wrote an excellent article on what it means to buy local.

Usually when I sell at shows, the shoppers are savvy and realize that they're spending a bit more to get a better quality, ethical, and local product.  However, once in a while I'll get comments from someone who just doesn't understand.  ("$50 for a scarf??  How ridiculous!")  I always try to support small businesses- I would much rather spend my money supporting our economy and local artisans.  Please keep this in mind when you're doing your Christmas shopping this year.  You won't believe the beautiful, unique items you can find at local craft shows!  I'll be at Smart Design Mart this weekend, which will be a great place to start ;)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Urban Craft, holiday edition

Urban Craft yesterday was just amazing!  Thanks to everyone who came out and did their Christmas shopping at my booth :)  I was overwhelmed by the positive responses to my work!  Now I have so very much work to do before Smart Design Mart starts on Friday, but I'm happy to do it of course.

I'm really glad I made this stand for my headbands- it's difficult to display a lot of items in a small area, so adding the vertical display helped a lot.